Protecting My User Name

Frank kept going "I'm going to release this tomorrow" tho, for like, most of the time in between the two albums.

I feel like Pynchon's not mocking the reader so much as mocking a world that doesn't make any sense. I don't think the point is to understand his writing, it's to get lost in it. And to laugh – he's much funnier than DFW. And other than his first three novels, following the action is not hard (I'll give you that GR is

Nah, the point with firecrackers is you very quickly infuse the THC by mixing it with an oily substance and cooking it to activate it. In this case, she used Nutella (which I've used with success), then microwaved and baked it. And then mixed the activated weed into a milkshake. Trust me, it works.


It's not that music is less confrontational or whatever, it's that you're not looking for it as hard as you used to!

and again! why am I even here

One music review and it's Rick Ross :(

The dude's an asshole, but his music is great.

that's what he thought *in high school*

You can't just say that shit on the radio.

O'Neal is on point today.

It leaked, and it's great.

This coming from someone who isn't very familiar with their earlier work outside of listening to Cap'n Jazz once or twice - I think this record deserves more like a B+ or A-. I was impressed.

There's no denying the the music section, particularly the reviews, is a shadow of its former self (in terms of amount of content).

Yeah, I was thinking exactly this. I was even going to post the same article.

"I really don't follow today's music scene with it's horribly tedious derivative excuses for creativity"

Yeah, fuck off. The Dirty Projectors are not watered down anything. They are musically borderline virtuosic, have exciting and creative arrangements and draw upon all sorts of interesting music. They also slay live.

Sean O'Neal has great flow*

why? seems to me that's exactly what it is. Unless you're being one of those people who thinks music can't be experimental unless it's also tuneless.