
"Well, i guess i`ll move over to the newbie review"

But, so…why is it a problem that people don't think Sansa shouldn't have been raped when this storyline has deviated from the books? Just because "it happened a lot" didn't mean they had to go in this direction.

You actually don't get to tell other people whether their outrage is legitimate or not.

She has zero% good things happen to her so LOL @ the idea that people think she should catch a break every-so-often = GOOD THINGS MUST HAPPEN TO HER ALL THE TIME. And if you don't recognize that or care about the character at all, your opinion kinda doesn't matter.

Uh well, around one in four women are sexually assaulted. and it was a woman character who was raped, so I think that's what above commenter was referring to. Also kinda weird that you're so angry at the citing of that figure.

even if we concede that that's true, that doesn't mean that this shitty storyline needed to exist

sounds like you should let this drop

I'm still pretty bored by this season, actually.

"People who are outraged missed the point!" /totally misses legitimate points made that aren't just "rape is bad."

"Why is rape such a special thing that it can't be used as a plot device?"

it was not an inevitable moment. they could've had Sansa eating bonbons in the free cities.

Uh…no. You can have a sexist/misogynist thing happen on a show without the rest of it being so. And why do I suspect you wouldn't see misogyny even if it were even more rampant?

Not really. I mean, Jeyne is a minor character for sure, but she had existed since the first book. Not denying that she's used for Reek's redemption, but she wasn't conjured out of thin air like this plot decision was.

yeah he's gone

It wouldn't have been shielding to "not have the scene at all," considering this plot arc didn't even exist in the books. They could have gone in any other direction. Had her stay in the vale, etc.

How about this: a lot of people were pretty horrified by Poole's treatment in the book, too, but it's a smaller part of a very long book. So it's pretty natural that a longer (proportionally) scene that happens on TV garners more attention. This "you weren't upset about Poole" stuff is deflecting bull.

*thing happens on show* *people react* *Team Downplay rushes to invalidate their feelings on it* *somehow still complains about other people being the insufferable ones*

yeah, apparently you do

Yeah it should have…not been a scene.

Hoo! Hoo!