
I also would love to go back and compile an archive of all the past idol winners screen time from group night - it would be really interesting to see how they all came off at group night and if ms. zulkey's theory holds true.

"… which served as a reminder that nobody from Idol has ever been a notable Group Night pain in the ass and gone on to win the entire show …"

Via facebook:

Melanie got through to early - no chances for her to speak to the audience. Is she still currently being possessed by the african american ghost that possessed Lafayette's body in season 4 of "True Blood?"

That quick shot of Rene rehearsing backstage in the pastel blue top and matching knee length pastel blue shorts had my anticipation bubbling thinking we were going to get a cover of something off of "One Stop Carnival."

"America, as she says, just finds it harder to connect with groups"

I pledge allegiance to the flag, one nation under hog …
I don't know, the synthy sounds, the costumes and the lighting created a very disturbing atmosphere during Simone's performance. Because of that, and the fact that his shirt was unbuttoned down to his navel, anytime we got an extreme close up shot of Simon

Would love to hear your thoughts on all the contestants makeovers, as shown in the brief preview at the end of the episode.

Brewer Boys. Thank god. Very excited to see them rise to the challenge and figure out a way to completely desexualize the lyrics to lady antebellum's just a kiss. Did anyone notice the talking head with them on this episode - the little Brewer totally did another hair flip, but this one almost had a winking, ironic

Did anybody catch the shot of the maid walking through Simon's house that glanced up at the camera and then quickly darted out of view of the camera? We could probably schedule the help for a different time … was nervous that Paula forgot to make a  call and that we were suddenly going to have a riding mower going by

OK, just finished re-watching the scene again - I think its clear now that the older Brewer Boy calls the shots. I think its made abundantly clear in that when they are walking away the older Brewer Boy keeps turning around saying to the younger one "Paula really liked me …yeah I think she liked me." Clearly, he is

I'm not sure if I should be posting this, but last night there was a really telling moment between the BREWER BOYS. Prior to their performance, they gave a talking head interview where they explained/dreamed how their performance would play out … towards the end, the older and I presume leader flipped his hair back.

Feel bad for the groups that got placed to work with a stylist. "No, I don't know anything about pitch … not sure what vocals means … can't keep a beat … but try wearing this fedora!?!?"

I am offended by speculation that this show is "fixed" at all. It was pure chance that the group featuring a white receptionist, several guys from the mid-west and Brian Bradley had to perform a rap song. This is not fixed at all.

The close up of Enrique's face while Dexter is singing at him is the Gus Fring final shot of our generation.

I love that in place of celebrity guest superstar Mariah Carey, Simon had a key grip and the guy in charge of making sure that the catering table was well stocked with sandwiches to bounce his thoughts and opinions off of … yes, I am sure they are going to be comfortable firing their countering opinions back at the

I have a crazy theory I have been formulating - you know how Nicole Sweatshirt-inger (Nicole Swearinger, Nicole Slurryword, Nicole Swervycurve) replaced Cheryl Cole after a few audition tapings? I believe there is all sorts of unaired footage out there with her hanging out backstage with the families of the