
What about Littlefinger and Veris? They are both commoners, both on the King's Counsel, and two of the best political operators on the show. They wield an enormous amount of power. Veris even seems to recognize some sort of responsibility to the masses. That's obstensibly why he is helping Tyrion get to Dyneris

Cowboy Dan. I love that song. I love everything about that song

When he was sitting in the bar drinking, before he went over to the two cops, I thought he did a little balancing trick with the glass, showing he had a steady hand. I could have made that up in my mind cause I think he is a bad ass and I was pretty sure those two cops were in trouble. Did anyone else see that?

During the second episode of the last season of Entourage, I finally lost it. That show always kinda sucked but it almost got interesting when shit finally was not working out for those dudes. Then the last season started and in two episodes they were back on top of the world. I felt like HBO was saying "fuck you" to

During the second episode of the last season of Entourage, I finally lost it. That show always kinda sucked but it almost got interesting when shit finally was not working out for those dudes. Then the last season started and in two episodes they were back on top of the world. I felt like HBO was saying "fuck you" to