
I look forward to this.

Classic Poe.

Nope. The point of the Tournament OF EPISODES is that the episodes should be able to stand on their own for the most part. You will see this play out in interesting ways as the tournament goes on!

But we included a poll!

Mo explained why she picked Three Ghosts in this article.

This article explains exactly how Arrow ended up against True Detective, which is more explanation than you're going to get, generally, in this tournament.

It's seriously about luck of the draw. There are match-ups in this where the critics haven't seen the complete run of EITHER show they're judging.

For a long time, I avowed the Alias pilot was better than the Lost pilot. I'm not sure it is, but Lost doesn't have anything as revelatory as Jennifer Garner's performance in its pilot.

But they answered most of the questions onscreen? Granted, you had to jump to conclusions and figure some stuff out, and it never answered the "big" question (What is the Island?), but I'd say it answered 98 percent of its questions.

I actually think the characters on Orange and Lost are "rich" in the same fashion: We don't know everything about them, but we know enough about them to be surprised by the disparity between the people they were before the series began and the people they are as it goes on.

Person Of Interest is a great show, but it's also structurally very different from Lost.

Yeah, that's true. Once he made the shift to film, he really stopped focusing on TV so much. But his fingerprints are all over the first season of Lost (even after he leaves), and that's a highly enjoyable season of TV.

I think a lot of the complaints about Lost never solving its mysteries stem from the fact that it never sat down and said, "This is what happened here. This is what happened there." It skewed away from exposition, which I found refreshing, but which frustrated many.

Uhhh… I was literally ONLY talking about the "What crashed the plane" mystery there? Because it never once occurred to me that even WAS a mystery. I was as into the "What/where is the Island?" thing as anybody.

Orange has…

I prefer Abrams' work in television to his work in movies, generally (though Star Trek is one of my favorite blockbusters of the last several years). But I am interested to see what he does with Star Wars. He's assembled a great cast.

Though Larry and Polly are obviously vestigial organs at this point, I'm sort of amused by their continued existence on the show. I like how it holds in relief just how much of the stuff Piper cared about before prison was bullshit, but also how the same fundamental human urges—the need to be loved, chief among

Because I didn't have a bad time watching it. My dividing line for "would recommend"/"would not recommend" is between B- and C+, and this one fell above that line.

Eh, I think OITNB and Louie are doing REALLY different things and each doing them at about the pinnacle of what that looks like. The former is much more novelistic and sweeping, while Louie is very intimate and much more like a series of short stories. They're both among the very pinnacle of what the art form is

This is right. Gun manufacturers generally deal directly with cable providers and local affiliates, because it's too hard to get the actual networks to buy their ads.