Neville Knurd Phfunckhauser

Yeah, Sean Nelson, the lead-singer of Harvey Danger, has been doing the interview circuit lately (solo album, rereleases of HD albums) and has had some interesting things to say about the double-edged sword that was "Flag Pole Sitta."

I can relate to the sentiment. There's a whole category of songs my mom, my sister, and I call "Pool Songs" because that's where we heard them everyday on the radio during the summer. Except my "Pool Songs" come a few years earlier. The stand-outs: Elton John's "Club at the End of the Street", Cheap Trick's "Eternal

"Chris De Burgh will never have to worry about being compared to Frank Sinatra."

7 Furiouses of Dr. Lao's Brothers

Any love on here for Microserfs? I loved that book. I was surprised by how touching and engaging the book was.

Mein Kampf One Cup

I have always been, and will always remain, a Brendan Fraser apologist. Gods and Monsters proves he has the chops. I just like the dude and find him immensely watchable. My wife disagrees wholeheartedly, and yet our marriage works.

I concur with the recommendations above. I thoroughly enjoyed the first All the Wrong Questions book, just read it this summer, and by all accounts I am an adult. So there you go. Haven't read any more of the series though. Is there a book #2 out?

What's up with John Slattery's hand in that still above? Does he have a small, misformed hand in the show, too?

I do love that album. It really is solid from beginning to end.

Pick every song that has been listed in a Hatesong article.

Yep, that's the top three, but I'll also submit Jim Unger's "Herman" and- a little older and not technically a newspaper strip- pretty much everything by B. Kliban. As for new stuff, Get Fuzzy has always been solid IMHO.

This looks to be a bit of a snoozefest.

Wow, new stuff from Veruca Salt and Luscious Jackson?! Pretty good year for fans of lady rock bands.


Man, that show was PACKED. More so for Lenny Kravitz, but still. Packed arena.

He's totally an allstar. How did you know?!

Hey, I was super bored at a conference and it was something to do. I enjoyed the show.

I saw a Lenny Kravitz concert many years ago in Ft. Lauderdale, FL because Smash Mouth was staying in the same hotel I was and the lead singer gave me a free ticket and a backstage pass. After the show I hung out with a girl who was the cousin of the drummer for the Mavericks.

Wait, isn't Tanzania the capital city of Africa? I'VE BEEN DUPED!