Neville Knurd Phfunckhauser

Did I read that right, that you yourself are a Nigerian immigrant? Than by all means you have a right to comment with more authority than me.

I don't know if the premise is nearly as far-fetched as you might think. I worked with many Somali families and it was struggle to convince many parents not to pull their girls out of school at 15-16 and marry them off. Makin' babies is still a pretty big deal for many immigrants.

Tomato (in an American accent), Tomato (in a British accent)…

I was just thinking the same thing. It is odd to hear him without his accent. It's not generally odd to me to hear actors lose their accents, but he's so associated with being a"magical British kid" that it is a bit off-putting at first.

Geez, I am hanging my head right now. I am a huge music nerd and a huge B-Boy fan, but I had NO IDEA the chorus of that song was a Family Stone sample. MIND BLOWN.

They can't both be a movie together!!!!

"I'm trying to think of something equivalent for the US or Europe that's anywhere near that easily disproved"

Hey, is this show still on the air? Sounds cool.



I would watch the shit out of that.

I recently tried to explain the plot of "Coraline" to a room of older adults and failed miserably. All they could say was "Who on earth makes this stuff to show to CHILDREN?!" I think it's because the conversation started with the "sewing buttons on as eyes" thing, which is admittedly freakish, but I was bummed that I

Man, I could have SWORN that the idea of class warfare in a divided
society of rich and poor was a well-trod trope of storytelling that's
been around for centuries. But I guess it's just a stupid new fad that
makes all stories dumb and politically partisan.Thanks for the warning A.A. Dowd!

Lots of litterbugs around you, huh?

Until I saw the cover, I had no idea that Mars Volta had any connection to the bombing.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this episode also a response to the live version of "On Golden pond" that aired on one of the major networks? there was a lot of hubbub about the fact that they were going to allow the uncensored language in the live broadcast, and "shit" was allowed to be said on air. I think South

Everybody Poops And Loves Raymond and Hates Chris and Dance Now!

The awesomeness of Jennifer Lawrence made me go out and burn some tires in the street after I watched Silver Linings Playbook.

Hunger Games 3: Burn Unit

I really hope it's George Clooney.