Baha Men Forever

There already is a channel dedicated to classic tv shows.  ME TV or something.  Or is that just a Chicago channel?

Someone didn't appreciate how awesome it was to see Nemo's Dad kill Walter White or see the Gos stomped the shit out of some dude in a elevator.

I'm sorry
I have no where else to vent about this, so here it goes. Transformers 3 fucking sucks. I hate it and I hate Michael Bay. I want to punch him in the face.
Thank you. And not even an appearance from Nick Kroll could have saved this movie. I know Ken Jeong, John Malkovich, Frances McDormand, and John

I set a rather high expectations for this.
While, I tend to set high expectations for a lot of movies. This one actually matched them.

So, it appears Dawes isn't terrible. I took the time out of my super busy morning to give it a listen. And I don't feel as sickened with myself as I do when I listen to Blink 182 or whatever the new awesome knock off band is. Maybe there's hope for Dawes after all.
Grade: B

Josh Homme, you sly dog.
I wasn't as into Humbug as I was the first two albums, but I figured Homme was just rubbing off on them too much. But it seems like the effects of Humbug and Homme have lingered on. I'll still probably buy it anyway.

Basically you didn't love the new Dawes album as much as you thought you would.

Not a gimmick. The lead singer of Dawes took an advertising class at the local community college and found out how to cheaply promote the band on the internet: through AV Club comment sections!

I'm sure that they're just trying to be realistic
on the show. And yeah, I know know real murder investigations are probably just as slow as this show, but come the fuck on.
We're on the 11 episode of a 13 episode season and we are no closer to finding the killer.
I hope to God they're not going to "Twin Peaks" this.

I do…
But only when I want to feel like a total douche bag. It sounds more exclusive that way.

NPH is personally going to blow up the entire cast of Final Destination, but it'll back fire and give Final Destination the sympathy vote.

AV Club just proves how stupid it is.
Make all the jokes you want about The Smurfs and Final Destination 5, just wait until the Oscars. The battle between these two is going to make last year's fight for Best Picture look like the war in Afghanistan. Smurf vs. Final Destination 5 is World Fucking War THREE!

Is it the same actor?

The fact
that absolutely nothing worthwhile happened in this episode doesn't bother me as much as it should.
I expected it some episodes to be like this if they wanted to give a somewhat accurate portrayal of a murder investigation. I just wish they would stop introducing all these one off characters that just act as

I'm Shocked.
So, Train really isn't the Counting Crows?