legally concrete blonde

Yeah, there is that. She can be pretty damn annoying. I'm hoping that, if she stays around, she calms down little. Backing away from the coke might help with that.

Cripes. Did they really think people would want to continue watching the show without her? I love Nathan Fillion, and the supporting characters are fun (I loved Ryan trying to micromanage his daughter's dance recital last week), but Castle is not worth watching if there's no Beckett.

Wait. Katic was fired? I thought she quit. Man, they have their heads up their asses. Castle/Beckett worked so well, even after they got together. If they'd kept Katic, they could have managed a couple more seasons. (Not that, as you and I know full well, it actually needed to stay on the air. I'm glad it's been

I see. Thanks for the support, anyway. Also, you're not missing much by not having been there. I moved to NC 16 years ago, and other than my family, the only thing I really miss is the Susquehanna river.

You are 100% correct. On the other hand (and this is not a defense, but simply an explanation), it's a Catholic school. It will not stand for a lesbian in a tuxedo.

Are you from Hbg? I grew up there.

Heh. It's been many years since I've been to Philly, but I've spent a lot of time there. It's never had style and class, but it used to be a fun town.

Yeah, I'm not entirely sold on Adele, although I like the idea of Felix looking for his biological family. I hope it doesn't all end in heartbreak for him, though. How many enemies-by-association does he need?

And how awesome was Mrs. S, kicking both their asses for being bItter and petty. And then: "Welcome to the family,"as she pours some wine for Adele. She has no time for Romper Room fuckery.

Demonstrating his keen military intellect, the Captain can’t even manage to get out of his own house without getting caught.

You just go ahead and ramble. I love reading what you have to say, no matter what the subject.

Oh my god, what a great clip. Thank you for that laugh out loud moment.

I laughed out loud at "It's the head of Dyad."

Yeah, I'd say he was a little freaked out by her willingness to beat the crap out of, or kill, someone. And he was a lot less freaked out than Harold:

I maintain that Fusco is not afraid of Shaw. He did, after all, tell her that Bear was the only team member who liked her.

I want to hear Fusco come up with more wacky names for the various team members.

I've seen Splendor in the Grass so many times that I've lost count. It's such a heartbreaking movie. After all those viewings, I still end up crying.

Upvoted for "brother-sestras" (and the rest of the comment, of course).

Agreed. I'm not usually good at such things, but when I saw Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, I knew Keanu was going to be a huge star.

It's been a really long time since I've seen it, but I love it.