legally concrete blonde

I hear ya. There was one shipper who was convinced that everything that happened on the show reflected the state of Luke and Lorelai's relationship. Even Sookie and Jackson's marriage was really about L/L. When I challenged her on it, I got a "Nope. Sorry" response. (It got her a week's suspension. For the record, I

Point taken. And my apologies for so rude.

Well, now I feel bad about the rude I response I made to your last comment.

Oh, whatever. It was a joke, for Christ's sake.

Indeed. I had a hard enough time with Cordelia and Xander; I refuse to accept Angel/Cordelia. I was never able to get past what a horrible, nasty person she was on Buffy. Yeah, she grew up and changed, and the writers did a great job with that. But a budding romance between those two never sat well with me.

Rory was kind of a shitty friend to Paris, though. Paris was way more dedicated to the friendship. Rory, as much as I loved her, didn't deserve Paris.

I generally don't get tied up in romantic TV relationships either. For the entire run of the show, I went back and forth over Luke and Lorelai staying together. I loved her with Jason (season 4), and I wouldn't have been disappointed to see her end up with Christoper (blasphemy, I know). But that first break-up, and

Luke and Lorelai didn't get together until the end of Gilmore Girls 4th season. They broke up in the middle of season 5, got back together, then were stupidly and irrationally broken up again in season 6. They got back together in the final episode, although that wasn't enough to make the GG insane fangirls happy.

Castle's been on for seven years.

This is true. She was clearly a fan of his books. Also, Castle has always driven Becket crazy with his "nine-year-old-on-a-sugar-high" antics, but she developed quite a bit of affection for him early on. (I've only realized this since I started watching reruns on TNT. It's easier to see when you watch three or four

When Katrina popped up, my husband said "Where's she been?" "Who cares?" I replied. I suspect she's still recovering from last week's power-reducing flower bomb. I can certainly see how that would sap all her strength.

I was happy to see Sharif Atkins. Calvin felt more believable to me than Hawley. In just one episode, he fit in better with Abbie and Ichabod than Hawley ever did.

Ignore LucasCorso. This was a really fun episode. This season has been disappointing, so if you're still on board with the show (as I am. I refuse to give up yet), I think you'll enjoy it.

Oh, yeah, I get that. But the Council appears to have a "kill 'em all" approach. no doubt it's easier than building and maintaining Wesen jails.

Yeah, it's preposterous for Juliette to think Nick would turn on her. He knows Wesen aren't automatically evil or violent just because they're Wesen. I mean, look at Monroe. Also, Juliette became a hexenbiest (as opposed to being born one), so her true nature is still there. She's capable of kicking major ass, but

They were scumbags, no doubt, and deserved a good beat down. But killing them just felt over the top to me. On the other hand, point taken.

I also watched Edge of Tomorrow this weekend. I liked it a lot, even if it is a skewed version (SPOILERS, SPOILERS, SPOILERS ) of "Tom Cruise Saves the World, is a Man Alone." The final shot made me laugh out loud.

You're just making up the part about the slinky, right? Although I desperately want it to be true.

Gone With the Wind is 4 hours too long.

Death seemed like an extreme sentence for the fake psychic and his partner. But when he killed the pimp, I thought "Well, sure. That fucker deserved to die."