Valar Florist

Babies taste best.

Like the AV Club? Prove it.

Clang!?! Did you say clang?

She should have at least kneecapped him.

The real point of the first sketch is that is parodying an actual Canadian game show.

Nooooo… Not zombie Ravi!

Shouldn't they have sent Caitlin in first to give him a hug? He just wants to be loved.

He should be like Ang in the last airbender and ask them for advice about girls.

It was even better once they revealed Lowell was actually flirting with him at the time.

Blaine's Brains! Blaine's Brains! Party time! Excellent!

Conan the Barbarian reference FTW

Caitlin looked mighty fine in that icy blue dress.

That corpse they found had tachyons up to the eye sockets.

Oh I don't think there's anyway to laugh too long at that.

I thought it was Major but riding around on a bike afterwards obviously nixed that.

This isn't the first show to do time displaced memories, I don't really see a big deal.

I think they need some idealism so we can see it crushed in the most awful way possible.

2 Many Spidermen

He doesn't really have his own personality. Ethnic Spidey is almost his entire character. It would be a lot more honest to just have a Peter Parker played by a black dude.

When he was fishing a bullet out of her in the first episode he said there was barely any blood.