Valar Florist

All of their guest stars go away. It is so absurd.

I ship Kalinda/fake evidence so hard. Sexiest OTP in all of fiction.

I watch the Good Wife.

For whatever it's worth, I actually have legal cable channels for all the shows I torrent. I just don't get to always watch them at air time and the OnDemand services I'm usually stuck with are terrible.

I have a friend who does this, he has a large HDTV that he uses as the monitor for his computer. But no cable or anything.

I think they did about as much build up as they would be allowed to on a Nickelodeon show.

3 times? She really IS the Avatar.

"…went out with a bang."

Look at Asami in that wedding outfit. Does Korra even need to be a Lesbian to want that?

I'm glad this review didn't go up really fast because I just would have been all like "deargodhelpmemybrainismelting" anyway…

My favorite was when they called him John. I can't believe Diggle has a first name. He's just Diggle!


I assumed it had been sticking it's snout into some sort of green berries.

Shouldn't little Iroh have been there instead?

You'll never get into the spirit world if your head exploded.

Opal's concern for Pabu's emotional state tells me that regardless of whatever troubles they may have, she and Bolin are meant for each other.

I loved Eli's face when Johnny said that offering the patronage is what Peter would do.

I want more of Batman as relationship advisor. Mmm-hmm.

To paraphrase the West Wing, how are Simmons and Bobbi the same species?

Well the best we could hope for is his sister Valerie. Don't think she can appear on this show though.