Valar Florist

Which is ironic, since he doesn't even know how to laugh maniacally.

You have to REALLY want something to create a Disqus account for it.

Yeah I don't really like the arc in retrospect. It just seems like Xanatos being awful for the sake of being awful.

No no…leave the gloves on.

There's a sign now?

I kind of thought they wussed out by not killing any good guys off but that brutal way they put down P'Li made up for it.

I mean she could learn it from some lion turtle as well. It would be less random the second time around to be honest.

Geez P'Li I can't believe your head exploded, if your head explodes you'll never make it as an anarchist. I mean come on, you look ridiculous.

I don't think it would be a *puts on sunglasses* shocking development.

Couldn't Korra just take his bending away? Or can she no longer do that?

I want an Asami mod for Arkham Origins.

I thought it was a guy… who would be a love interest for Korra. Still works for me though! She can compete with "anything you need" Asami

I really want a GIF of princess Catherine pounding her little fists on Hudson. For some reason I find that even funnier than that one brick dropping on Broadway's head.

I think they show more in the Coldstone episode. And not just the title character.

They might have just assumed she was lying. It would be a lot more credible than the whole I'm 1000 years old thing. Even if they weren't looking to take Demona at her word.

Between Warner, Keith David and Tony Jay this show pretty much had all the great voices that were possible.

I had a wonderful childhood. For you to poop on!

Forbidden attraction? Bah I say. They're both humanoid. It's not like it's a Kitty/Lockheed situation.

I don't think they've said anything. But she wears blue right? So she has to be from one of the polar tribes or she would break the Avatar universe or something.

Mako and Bolin had already spent a lot of time searching the desert for any trace of Korra. I don't think there was any chance of catching them.