
"In my experience, reading or watching Shakespeare is, by turns, baffling, tiring, frustrating and downright unpleasant" LOL Thanks for sharing.
That guy must feel the same way about the Greek theater, or anything that was written before 1985.

That discussion about which one is "the best show on tv" is totally ridiculous. Has any of us seen every tv show that ever existed to know that? And even if we had, it all ends up being just a matter of opinion. 
I love Breaking Bad, but I understand why many people don't like it, and I would never insist on "you must

That last scene was hearthbreaking, or horrifying, or both. This show is a reminder of the casualties of "progress". 
The network IS putting faith in this show, since it has been renewed. That is a lot nowadays. I hope somebody keeps doing the reviews.

You said it beautifully. Thanks for taking the time to write this.
I'm tired of people comparing BB to The Wire. It's a completely different type of show! BB is not realistic!!! It seems like the author of this article want this show to be something completely different. 

Ok, the plot has always been a mess, but this show looks so good…
I'm going to pretend that the first two seasons never happened, and keep watching. Just for the sake of supporting a good looking western, I guess? I hope they don't do something awful, out of nowhere, like they did before.
BTW, I never liked Durant, but

She said in an interview that she cast A. Plaza because she was a friend, and she liked her work. She also said that the movie was set in her town in the 90s because you must "write about what you know."
I'm no expert here but it sounds like lazy writing and lazy casting.

The American deserves a special award for its WIGS.

I have tons of hope for this one. After all, Louis CK is a better actor than Larry David.

It was certainly the best non-gay gay kiss I've ever seen.

I'd buy all the doctor stuff (anyone can do that!). But… is he tall enough to be a runway model?

He totally looks like he's having fun in that movie (so does J. Price), pretty much the opposite of Bruce Willis. 
I went to see that awful movie because there was nothing else, and these two pretty much saved my everning.

Jonathan Price and Walton Goggins in G.I.Joe Retaliation

Please write a script about this story and make a movie, I'm sure you'll find investors here!

All those celebrities' puppy eyes when they make a video asking for money… It actually makes me cringe.

"You walked in, complemented my tie, and walked out. It was the best day of my life."
Silly infatuated Bob Benson! Look how he pretty much used the same tie every single day. http://www.tomandlorenzo.co…
I love that guy!

Christopher Guest was great!
I love how Tom is trying to find a meaning in his life instead of "sitting around, waiting for my life to happen", but he's pretty much doing that. I have faith that he's going to find something, anything that helps him (at this point, looks like pretty much anything'll do).

When I was ten, I made a spaceship with a piece of paper and color pencils. I was my favorite toy of all time. 
I kind of feel sorry for these two… (wait, hummm)

It's been almost 20 years, and I still remember Lisa Loeb' Stay, which was made with zero $, almost. And I hate that song, but still remember it. 
These two could have done something like that in a second.
And don't get me started on the first version of "Space Oddity" http://www.youtube.com/watc…

I totally agree with you. I think Bob's going to be the big surprise of to this season, as Lane Pryce was in the last one. It's coming! Probably in Ep. 12. Let's not forget he is "the man with a plan."