
I think Ted has genuine feelings for her, but maybe because she was Don's protegee. Let's remember, he was obsessed with Don, and surely, he still is. He looked happy when Peggy said "we broke up", but then, all he cared about was work. He wants to have her under his wing to steal her away from Don, or something. Once

"I once worked with a guy who said he had gotten a couple of jobs simply by showing up at the office. That's Bob Benson. He doesn't do much work, the little he does wouldn't have saved him from being let go."You got it. 
I had a boss like that. All he did was lobbying enough not to get fired. The rest of the time, he

I wasn't thinking of Zach Braff, but you have a point.

So many great comedies on TV (cable, at least), and so many shitty comedy movies. WHY Hollywood, WHY?!

If Mozart were in Kickstarter raising money for his next big groundbreaking opera, then Salieri would also be there, asking money for a new set of wigs. I wonder who would've raised more money…
(Anyway, just a thought, I saw Amadeus last night, and could't help myself).

Why can't the do what Louis C.K. did? Cut the middle-man, sell the tickets directly, they get a bigger cut of the ticket money, they can even lower the prices and get more gigs, everybody wins. It's a more creative solution, and it's fair for the artist AND the fans. Oh, wait, they'd had to work more… heaven forbids.

¡Me estás jodiendo!

Now that you say so… If he can write new awesome stories there, and scape his father in law, maybe it won't be so bad… Nope, still miss him though…

I hate it that Ken had to go to Detroit. Bring Ken back!!!

Oh, sweet Jebus, until this moment I hadn't realized how much I miss BB!