
Melvins. Melvins. Melvins. One more for the pile just last night, as close as could possibly be, and I even yoinked the setlist.

I guess we'll never know how Hillary truly would've acted in office, but it seems like the elephant in the room (for me at least) is that her husband indeed was pretty much Ronald Reagan for 8 years. Plenty of the dues we're still paying now stem directly from Bill's de-regulation frenzy (and/or gutting of welfare),


You don't like Loguey's? There's so many hacks in every pack!

If there was such a thing as a ducking artist, and that's what Bruce Lee was famous for, than this would look just like a Bruce Lee movie.

Run DMC already on stage.

Have you tried the Pepperoni Lovers?

Everybody sucks in this story. Nobody can agree on what punk is, but I think we can all agree it's not a 60-year old man yelling at a woman during a corporate sponsored festival.

Pepperoni and pineapple is wonderful.

I like peanut butter & bacon cookies.

This article seems based on the conceit that companies like Nabisco are trying to satiate every consumer's possible taste, rather than simply taking up as much visual real-estate as possible in their respective grocery aisle. Oreo would put out a toe-nail flavor if it would knock another competitor's product off the

I'm with you, for what little that's worth.

Her genetics and her nose job sure look to be locked into a battle for the ages.

Nothing gets my passion firing quite like the majority of some set of things being well received!

Vin Diesel looks like he's actually just a normalish guy who happens to be retaining 75 pounds of water weight at the moment, every moment.

James Franco keepin' it real for all the yellow-teethed motherfuckers like myself.

I was thinking throughout that whole movie that the Korean police sure seem put a lot more time into kick training than their Western counterparts.

To be fair, I think that's a critical violation of personal space before and/or sexual assault, worthy of retaliation in kind, before it even reaches the point of challenging anybody's sexuality. None of which takes away from your main point that we're collectively fucked when it comes to media attention.