He can satisfy you with his little worm, but I can bust you out with my super sperm…..just like every woman desires.
He can satisfy you with his little worm, but I can bust you out with my super sperm…..just like every woman desires.
This interview radiates cocaine.
For what little it's worth, I feel compelled to stand up for Redbelt. It's a weird adult version of Karate Kid, which steps in-and-out of Mamet & sports movie cliches, and a crucial plot point is fundamentally retarded, but it's a pretty unique flick.
I think it was a couple years ago, we had an improptu "Worst Public Enemy Concert" thread, which some fellow won by relaying a story of a PE concert in Germany that turned out to only be Flavor Flav, accompanied by someone he referred to as his "cousin Tony".
Careful what you ask for. Tribe Called Quest is second on my "most disappointing live acts" behind only Public Enemy.
Alternately, if you can't show off your dialog chops try to eat a fish raw, hollow out a horse and/or fuck a bear.
Having listened to a lot of Slade recently, I'd put my money on the Quiet Riot version. There's only a half-a-second where the song is clear enough to make the distinction, (and they ARE remarkably similar), but I think I detect the slightly more nasal tones of Kevin DuBrow ….but the QR version doesn't start with that…
What I don't like about modern barbecue is the GOTdamn price. Maybe it's not an issue in places where BBQ has tradition and long-established roots, but here in the PNW the barbecue is sub-par AND they insist on charging premium prices for the charming/authentic lack of frills, choice or service.
Captain Kangaroo pimp??
I am jealous to see everybody getting the music shivers over this one. I made sure to double check, but this dude still does nothing for me….it sounds like someone took a 15 year-old Sigur Ros album and sucked out every bit of melody, but left all the affected nonsense.
The laws restricting blacks from owning property in Oregon were struck down long ago, but the language actually remained in the state constitution until 2002, when residents finally voted to have it removed….but 29% still voted against removing that language. In 2002! 29%!
Who is this Gary character?
Yeah, this article did do a great job of breaking down why I don't like meatloaf: it's show tunes. Dennis Deyoung and the Loaf need to get together and make a fucking horrible record.
I don't know shit about EDM, but GOTdamn this track sucks. With the bouncy rhythm and the cheering it sounds like it's fresh off the FIFA 2001 soundtrack.
These days I like Oscar Isaac a lot.
For some people it's surely the difference between life and death but I feel like the concept of "life saving insurance coverage" sums up the Obama presidency about as well as any kind of lengthy debate from either side.
Yeah, I was fascinated by the same aspect. In between all the creepy, rote pick-up tricks and techniques, Mystery also tossed in asides like "you should go to the gym occasionally"…."get an interesting hobby to talk about"…."get some nicer clothes". Strauss and the others would focus on the minutae of pick-up tips…
He looks almost exactly like 60 year old Dana Carvey. Ummm, congratulations?
That was a very well thought out reply, and it served to make me go check a couple more of the songs you mentioned….unfortunately it still does nothing for me. That said, the songs you recommended definitely seem to have a deeper emotional base than the few singles/performances I had been subjected to, and it's…