
Couldn't it be argued that's just as much a result of the fact that there aren't any other main cities surrounding Portland, and its urban growth policies, while LA and SF are sprawled out a hundred miles, with a new city signpost every couple of feet?

Both. As others have mentioned the rest of the state outside of Portland, Eugene is pretty rural and conservative.

As someone who smokes a lot of weed, eats breakfast all day, knows what to do when your kite winds around a power line, and lived on SE Lincoln for the first 18 years of my life, I would like to declare myself king of this particular part of the thread.

As someone who smokes a lot of weed, eats breakfast all day, knows what to do when your kite winds around a power line, and lived on SE Lincoln for the first 18 years of my life, I would like to declare myself king of this particular part of the thread.

That steak was ridiculous. It was seemingly 6 inches thick, and then she stacked it all on top of a mound of eggs. That was some Close Encounters shit.

That steak was ridiculous. It was seemingly 6 inches thick, and then she stacked it all on top of a mound of eggs. That was some Close Encounters shit.

Most interesting to me, was the fact that every single one of those omelettes looked like complete shit, down to Wolfgang Pucks. Perhaps because they all appeared to insist on cooking their omelettes in cast iron. Use a non-stick pan nimrods, or even the flat-top…nobody's going to crucify you for breaking out the

Most interesting to me, was the fact that every single one of those omelettes looked like complete shit, down to Wolfgang Pucks. Perhaps because they all appeared to insist on cooking their omelettes in cast iron. Use a non-stick pan nimrods, or even the flat-top…nobody's going to crucify you for breaking out the

There can be only one ultimate rock and roll scribe, and his name is Tommy Lee.
"When I first met Pamela, it was all good, dude….but then, it turned all bad."

There can be only one ultimate rock and roll scribe, and his name is Tommy Lee.
"When I first met Pamela, it was all good, dude….but then, it turned all bad."

♫Skate and destroy.
I love to skate.
Skate and create.
Isn't skating great?♫

♫Skate and destroy.
I love to skate.
Skate and create.
Isn't skating great?♫

I'll raise you some Another Bad Creation.

I'll raise you some Another Bad Creation.

Heidi, your cleavage….

Heidi, your cleavage….

Yeah, last week was like a fucking Monkee's episode, with the ridiculous trip to Cowboy's trading camp, and a random pronouncement from a stranger (in terms of their fantasy league) that "the winner of this wacky race gets the first pick of the draft!"

Yeah, last week was like a fucking Monkee's episode, with the ridiculous trip to Cowboy's trading camp, and a random pronouncement from a stranger (in terms of their fantasy league) that "the winner of this wacky race gets the first pick of the draft!"

Steven Seagal makes a point of being always armed, and is just as completely nutso, delusional about firearms, as he is about martial arts. The dude is a border agent for fun, and has been sued for shooting puppies. He's paranoid, and thinks he's constantly being followed and harassed by the mob….mainly because he HAS

Steven Seagal makes a point of being always armed, and is just as completely nutso, delusional about firearms, as he is about martial arts. The dude is a border agent for fun, and has been sued for shooting puppies. He's paranoid, and thinks he's constantly being followed and harassed by the mob….mainly because he HAS