aq khan

Hey whadya know. That rink in Ballston is actually way more convenient than the one I have to go to (Reston). I wanted to get into a league there but I didn't know anyone

This is great. I know exactly the type of ornery old dudes you're dealing with. But since this is the highest level of hockey I'm playing at, I'm going to continue pinning all of my hopes and dreams on how it goes. And I also wear a cage because I'm not trying to get my face broken by accident or because of any men's

I can definitely relate. I'm currently paying around $500 to play on a terrible team of the blandest white collar professionals in the whole DC/NOVA area. It's shitty. But pick-up and stick time aren't great options. Lucky that I have a real job now and can afford a dumb expense. Because I realized that I miss hockey

Awesome. Best of luck. The thing about the championship keg is that in that moment when you're lifting it, it's not even that heavy

Anybody else have a game this week? Can we start a beer league thread? I need someone to listen to my awesome story about the goal I scored last week and the beers I drank in the parking lot after