Man Sally

A young Theodore Roosevelt meets a young Enid Blyton.

Good point. Now that you mention it, I remember most MTV programming as being pandering and loud. Has it changed recently? Changed DRAMATICALLY, I mean?

By complete coincidence, I have several links to share.

EDIT: (sexy, racist joke removed.)

Aww, but you'll miss the part where you work out whether this is some kind of Cube ripoff or they are actually above the mouth of hell or something equally boring!

Hahahaha, absolutely! With UNCLE in the title the plot pretty much writes itself. I watched that entire Brady Bunch remake imagining that it was a porno.

Channing Tatum is a good choice. Now that they no longer have a good director they should just make it anyway. It'll be as cheap and crappy as the original, and no one will be able to accuse them of ruining a classic.

Whoo! Now we're talking. You are a font, Fast Zombie. A font!

Oh! Jackpot, man! Check this guy out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wik… I'm reading this guy. Not novels, but short stories written within the last two decades. And non-fiction! Be still, my heart!

I've been to India and I've seen shacks. So have many of the Indian writers in English, and apparently this is now a problem for many critics. So no book recommendations then? If we're not going to get "one who lives in the hinterland, or receives poor advances, or writes only in an obscure, regional language", how

Oh my God! Problem! The Kindle version is totally unreadable. The translator should be in prison, my goodness. Have to start again.

Yes, but surely you can have someone who CAME from a poor background, and capable then of speaking to it. What is an education system for, otherwise? I want to see if the problem of this cult of authenticity holds water. I enjoy reading about India because I imagine I am gaining insight into the culture, but if I am

Well now, that's a bold claim. There must be underprivileged Indians who have written novels. The "in English" part, I don't suspect, but perhaps in translation? I do feel a bit guilty for only reading the easy books that cater to me. Anyone have any suggestions?

Damn, that first article is pretty good. I'm going to be reading this blowing up mangoes book.

This is an interesting thought, especially with the way movie theaters are going. With the demise of the cineplex uncover this market to producers? We'd probably need to keep an eye out for smaller, cheaper fare that leaves screens fast, and then is heavily promoted on PPV and the like. I almost wish I knew where to

I read it after White Tiger and was underwhelmed, but everything would underwhelm if encountered in that order. I am so excited for this book that it enrages me to be in the middle of another that I'm enjoying.

Indian authors writing in English rarely get a good reception at home. Thank goodness for Europeans! We save culture again! High five! Anyone?

Huff. Man, I'm getting so mad at this bloody thread, I'm not thinking rationally here. You're being serious and reasonable, and this is a good thing. Okay, deep breath.

Did you read that page you linked to? Read it again. Read further than the one line that appears to confirm your argument. It won't take you long. It is literally the next line.

So you've played it then? And you're talking about it on the internet?