Sod Rerling

I'm surprised by the relatively negative/cynical reaction this trailer has gotten here. Kind of disappointing.

I am psychic.

Phil Lord & Chris Miller.

As indicated by the user name, I'm a big fan of The Twilight Zone (as is David Chase). To me, Tony's experiences in these two coma episodes perfectly capture the eerie atmosphere and sense of confusion that accompany the best TZ episodes.

Curb Ratings
I find it somewhat odd that this season of Curb is doing so much better than last season's Seinfeld "reunion." Are people tired of Seinfeld, or is True Blood that great of a lead-in?

Here's a better way to distribute the 4 MF nominations.

4 nominees. 4.

Totally true. However, Steve Carell probably deserves to win one for Michael Scott.

The Emmys are so frustrating - for every thing they get right, they seem to get 4 things wrong. Louie gets a nomination, and then they blow up the entire Supporting Actor category.


No Nick Offerman nomination. Good thing Ron thinks awards are stupid.

Stern could be good, but would never do it.

WTF Dream Guests
List 'em

Rocky's Intelligence
Why do Rocky's mental faculties fluctuate so much during the series? It's not that he gets dumber - that would make some story sense (brain damage). He gets smarter, then dumber after head trauma, then apparently the head injury magically vanishes.

The Shat
Spader was playing William Shatner playing Robert California in the last episode.