That was my favorite line. And I liked how no one called him on it. Either you picked up on the joke, or - since African-American is synonymous with black to a lot of people - you didn't. There was no need to highlight it.
That was my favorite line. And I liked how no one called him on it. Either you picked up on the joke, or - since African-American is synonymous with black to a lot of people - you didn't. There was no need to highlight it.
Germans. Am I right?
This is a good movie.
It's true.
Interesting. This argument of weird and weirder with nothing normal with which to contrast it is the same argument that Roger Ebert makes in his review of Edward Scissorhands. Of course, that movie is awesome, but I see both of your points.
"It'll take a Tarantino or Paul Thomas Anderson to cast her in the perfect role, though."
I don't think that you could possibly remake Lost to "tell the exact same story except all the little logistical shit that doesn't make any sense."
I don't think Un-Locke can change into Smokey when he's over the water:
I agree with Rex (and apparently disagree with everyone else in the world, judging by these comments). I think Kate is all right. The writers maybe haven't given her enough stuff to do, but to me she represents - and always has - an alternate point of view from Jack and Locke. While they have been arguing over faith…
Incredibly tangential comment:
Elia Kazan's autobiography, "A Life" is the best autobiography and one of the best books I've ever read.
Why should I give you my peanuts when I can just walk to the other side of this bridge and eat them in safety?
Andy might not be getting laid, but you know deep inside you that down in the catacombs of Pixar Animation, their are rooms of sweaty middle-aged animators in dirty sneakers and three-day-old stubble just cranking out CGI porn.
I once saw Children of Men with a group of drunk college students. They laughed their asses off. It's best not to assume this means something.
To be fair though, people are idiots.
You're not the wallet inspector.
Damn. Someone already mentioned Antichrist. Oh well, moving on…
I liked Matchstick Men. Ridley Scott needs to lay off the epics though. Ever since Gladiator, he's allowed himself to be typecast as a director of epic period war movies. Black Hawk Down, Kingdom of Heaven, and now Robin Hood.
Is it weird that literally 20 seconds after reading your comment I started watching All About Eve and Thelma Ritter's name jumped out at me on the credits, instead of Marilyn Monroe's, which is just below hers?
I saw that, but you can actually interpret that either way: Either Gilligan's saying, "Well, you don't know for sure that it's Fring, but if you're smart you'll figure it out," or he's saying, "You probably think that it's Fring, but boy, are you in for a surprise."
Episode 8 Sneak Peak
The episode 8 sneak peak is available on the AMC website, and I just want to go on record as saying that, while the scene looks great, the writers missed a perfect opportunity to end the scene with Jesse saying, "You should see the other guy."
Huh. I'd never noticed that before.