Another potential nominee (maybe) is the Coen brothers, but they won't win. I feel that this might be one of those rare split years, where the directing award and best picture award go to different movies.
Another potential nominee (maybe) is the Coen brothers, but they won't win. I feel that this might be one of those rare split years, where the directing award and best picture award go to different movies.
Hey, wait a second…
Could Quentin Tarantino win the best director Oscar this year? Hang on, hear me out. Who are the likely contenders? Jason Reitman, James Cameron, Kathryn Bigelow, Clint Eastwood, Lee Daniels, Rob Marshall, and Lone Scherfig.
Oh fuck, I was so bowled over by the absence of Breaking Bad that I forgot about Generation Kill.
I agree with Obsolete Vernacular. I'm not a big fan of Glee, but I can respect it and wish it well in its weird experiment.
Or, more simply, isn't it a poorly kept secret that the Golden Globes suck?
Let's keep this all in perspective….
As stupid and terrible as so many of these nominations are, let's all take a deep sigh of relief and remind ourselves:
Something tells me that maybe you're not being entirely serious.
The foreign language category is decent. White Ribbon was awesome. Plus Almodovar and The Prophet. Not too shabby.
If they had a category for Best Feature-Length Final Fantasy Trailer, though…
Keep in mind, it's important that both Neil Patrick Harris and Jeremy Piven were nominated in that category, so that when NPH wins we get to see Piven try and suppress his petty rage.
Just to make sure my math is correct:
I haven't seen Nine, but I hope it doesn't win because it will make me cry to read countless articles using "Rob Marshall" and "Federico Fellini" in the same sentence.
Hmm. It occurs to me that by saying "Yahtzee and a big white cow," I actually made the second half of True Blood S2 sound way better than it was.
Am I the only one that thinks Anna Paquin is good but True Blood sucked balls starting halfway through this past season?
You all keep saying that we shouldn't complain about Breaking Bad getting stiffed because of Cranston's Emmy wins, but that's bullshit. Cranston is great and deserves the Emmys (+ Golden Globe nominations), but the SHOW is good.
Oh come on now, there was like a week in 1968 when Jann Wenner knew what he was talking about.
But how do you know for sure unless you taste it?
Exactly. Is there anything more antithetical to the spirit of rock and roll than the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame?
That Genesis clip would be really weird and cool if Genesis didn't suck.
You're slowly turning into me, but you don't know this
Is it just me, or do Michael Shannon and Willem Dafoe look eerily similar in that still at the top of the page?