Amelie Gillette
Why do you hate bees so much? They make such delicious honey…
Amelie Gillette
Why do you hate bees so much? They make such delicious honey…
I may not exist, but Iowa surely blows.
My dad could beat up your dad.
It's an overstatement, of course, but critics prefer things that are clearly identifiable as WORKS OF ART, not to mention things that are new.
I agree. The Keep The Car Running-Neon Bible-Intervention one-two-three punch should have gotten Neon Bible on the list, I think.
We all have our preferences and favorites, I suppose.
Noel Murray sucks!!
Hells, yeah.
Those kids fucking had it coming. They know what they did.
I like Warning. I must admit, I was ready to drop Green Day after the oversaturation of American Idiot, but then Stop, Drop And Roll!!! came along.
Also, @HAL, since I can't resist—
Love And Theft is lightyears ahead of Time Out Of Mind.
A woman hires a private detective to follow a man. He follows the man, who meets with a young hispanic kid.
I miss Judge Snyder. When the Simpsons switched to the Judge Judy clone, I stopped watching.
Damn, son. This isn't what I died for.
What the fuck was that?
Scott Tobias, do you watch a lot of straight-to-DVD thrillers?
Just wondering.
This is my new profile. Is it working?