
AI's ratings are declining compared to previous seasons that is true (AI even lost in the demos for the first time in it's history this year to the Olympics). But to say DWTS is beating them in the ratings when the only rating that matters is the demo is a little like watching a football game and saying that the team

Hilarious, we are quoting from the same article!

AI crushes DWTS every night that they are in direct competition with each other. Also, total viewers is completely meaningless as the ONLY thing advertisers care about is the coveted 18-49 demo. If you need proof of that consider that AI charges $642,000 for a 30 second commercial spot while DWTS is selling 30

From Tuesday Night
FOXAmerican Idol6.4/19demos 17.93 total viewers
ABCDancing With the Stars Results2.4/7 demos 12.30 total viewers

Dancing with the Stars is not getting better ratings than AI
Seriously, you might want to do like 2 seconds of research before saying something like that. Tvbythenumbers.com is a great site for checking ratings. Whether you love or hate AI, it's still a ratings juggernaut.