I should hope so, since I do live about 60 miles north of Fargo.
I should hope so, since I do live about 60 miles north of Fargo.
Well, if we didn't know before, we certainly do now!
To me this is the best thing that could happen to her. As she's shown now, her character is just so cliched and superfluous.
Well, @avclub-ec581d0fa82907dc6f58d1e70bf346b0:disqus , I guess I don't really see what the problem is? So I'm going to guess a few things.
I prefer the noun to be "my precious, life-giving seed".
Yeah, I know, which is why it is even more distasteful and offensive that I'm complaining about my shit.
Edited because: wrong damn place. *Sigh*.
WELL SINCE YOU PRACTICALLY BEGGED, K. THRACE (whom I can never "at-sign" at)
Just want to second @Dikachu:disqus 's recommendation of a good memory-foam bed. You don't have to spend that much anymore, and it is SO WORTH IT.
"I'm practically an empath, and I know that's unfair"
Isn't it?
@EvelKareebel:disqus wow, you ARE tired, because that post didn't make a lick of sense.
Thank you, @avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus , I can always count on you :)
As far as I know, it's basically an online/text sex thing, to differentiate the two terms. Because apparently people who "have sex" with words online get confused if someone writes "come".
Personally, I'm just impressed that he managed to NOT dehumanize some of the people he's fucking/lusting after by solely referring to them by their "type".
A rundown of my reactions to this column (because everyone cares):
Well, this week's column was pretty boring, so I gotta hope the AV Club commenters come up with some good shit down here today.
Likewise. I didn't know and I'm not looking it up. I can imagine enough that I'm sure it's not something I wanna see.
Also not a big fan of facial hair; also like it on Ichy.
Yay for my high school history teacher being a drunk and using our class to sleep off his hangovers!