
A while back espn classic ran a marthon of Gladiators hosted by Nitro, he actually talked about Malibu. Said the guy had come from, get this, a racquet ball back ground. the reason they dropped him from the show was cuz he always closed his eyes right before he took a hit. Can't take a hit, can't be a

how cool is it that this guy was a "commando turned accademic"? Not only does he know 73 way to kill you with his thumb, he can also turn out a dissertation on Elizabethan Literature.

Saving Private Ryan
Man that death scene makes me kinda sick just thinking about it. That scene i so hard to watch… any more when i see Pvt Ryan, i just dont watch that scene. I can't even find the words it just deeply disturbs me. Which i think says a great deal posiitve about Goldberg, and of course Spielberg

spansih teacher
our spanish teacher was also part penguin where'd you go to highschool stomper?
I would also like to issue a yawn for the troll off and say i wish this interview had been longer.

Don't major in history, i have a history degree and $25oo a month is more than i make…

various forms of non interest
So i looked this up cuz i'm a bit of a word nerd and i was curious about it. Disinterest originally meant not be interested in something and uninterested meant impartial. At some point the two got sort of mixed togther and now either one can mean either thing and the meaning is usually

13th floor
13th floor was a pretty cool flick, nothing amazing but def worth a look.
Came out rigth around the same time the matrix did. It would be the Deep Impact to the Matrix's Armageddon.

superbad week
ok, i know i'm only playing into the trolls hands here but i find the suggestion that its some how superbad/suck up to aptow week pretty laughable. This article has nothing to do with superbad other than to say we think super bad is kind of like these movies then it goes on for two pages with out

1st movie i thought of when i read the premise was Adventures in Babysitting