
The old timey baseball sketch from Late Night with Conan O'Brien. Conan hitting on Nell, the downcast Civil War widow, to Conan pointing at a plane and exclaiming "What ho! What is that demonry!," to just the ridiculousness of the fact that people still play old timey baseball, that sketch will always have me dying.

So it's gonna be Mad Men with nerds, so not like Mad Men at all.

can't speak to other indian men (mostly cuz i'm not indian, but come from a south asian culture where arranged marriages are pretty common place), its the idea that I don't really want my parents doing anything for me. Of course the older I get and the more I fuck up, perhaps this might be the best option heh.

WHOA. I wasn't saying the show was racist. I was just surprised that an all white show set in a country estate in England during the early 20th century actually managed to have black people in it.

Finally! An episode with black people! At least the Upstairs Downstairs reboot had that indian dude on it.

Wait, how do you mean that?

hey another zach galifianakis movie with a wolfmother song in the trailer

a word

As an american of bengali (bangladeshi specifically) i do tend to identify with Lahiri's books on a personal level. Without sounding too melodramatic, the Namesake did give me a different perspective on my parents, and indeed I enjoyed the parent's narrative moreso than Gogol's. That guy was a fucking asshat. "oo look

not ashamed to say
I find afros on women highly attractive.

Not so cynical
I was reading lists of movies that made people cry, then I started to cry. It got pretty bad and I had to leave work. I've been a pretty big baby lately, time to sack up.

Yea I'm pretty sure they were different women. I wanna say something about how Rabin thinks all asians look the same. But I'm not going to.


also I wish I had read Ender's Game in high school. I read the shit out of that book last year.

I think both merit a good deal of studying. I say this as an engineer who loves movies. I wish my alma mater had a film studies department, and I wish my engineering curriculum afforded me the time to take it.

I used to work for the Dept. of Def, back in the good old W days. I worked in a lab doing antenna things. I accomplished a lot of taxpayer money wasting. My friend currently works for the navy, and he says his coworkers take weekly breaks in an abandoned office room to share conspiracy theories. My former coworkers