Stev D

Koka Kola could have worked - a little on the nose and anachronistic, but it would have done the job.

I really liked "Grift of the Magi." It was a little uneven, but "lets just agree that the commercialization of Christmas is, at best, a mixed blessing" is such a great line.

Just a few hours earlier, I had eaten that very same TJ's nutsack pizza.

Agreed. Jennifer's Body was way better than it had any business being.

I think that Chinatown is there as a subtle reminder that on some level, Tony knows that his belief in the "good old days" is complete bullshit. There's always been criminality, depravity, greed and corruption; and conversely, there's always been good, honest people. 

Yeah, that was their plan A? Jesus.

So Potter's big end run around Hale and the Charming Heights development was to expose their financial backers as pornographers? The people of Charming seem to be OK with a violent biker gang, so Asian sex toy money would get them up in arms? They're investing in single-family homes, not storefronts or dong factories.

Dexter helps Rita's kids kill god.

Roy Rogers McFreely

I doubt the Sons could turn a 3-6-3 double play in a recreational softball game. There's no way a group of bikers could learn, let alone execute those sophisticated combat maneuvers.

Lance Vance's betrayal still stings. Why, Lance, why?

I would watch Exploder.

Agree 100%, the 2000 S/T is incredibly uneven, but ultimately fucking awesome. It's some of their best (Meteor of War, Blackhawk Down, Radio Havana), some really unremarkable (Rigged on a Fix, Rwanda) and their finest closer GGF.

Know what you mean. Gutfield had Torche on his show.

Plus, the patches that Lars and Tim wear are in of themselves a gateway to punk rock geekery.

I think this is the grand unifying theory. It explains everything.

He seems like the type of guy who would put his hand on your friend's leg when everybody piles into the backseat of a crowded taxicab.

Massively Invasive
The procedure is massively invasive because the doctors operate on the heart via the penis hole.

I some
Hi-C and Turkey!