Stev D

John Wilkes Booth Jr! I don't think Tony was shot either, but that's not because there weren't a lot of people who wanted him dead.

or maybe
They are the people who swiped Sonic Youth's instruments

I choose
to celebrate Christmas the same way I always do; by watching "A Cool, Dry Place"

Gary Oldman

Brooklyn Vegan
Do they review the same 4 vegan restaurants over and over?

how about
Sloan dies, and he remarries. Buttttttttttt the woman he marries has 6 kids, and he has 6 kids; wackiness ensues.

this game is h-a-r-d hard
I know some 13 year old will call me a queen; but I play on All-Madden with the sliders up and this is really challenging. The LB's who become unstuck in time are one issue, but the DBs who can run alongside the fastest recievers and also deliver bone-shattering hits are another. I get

my theory
I bet this movie is more realistic than "Walk The Line". Most people, even Johnny Cash couldn't be that brooding all of the time.

Billy Mitchell
Billy Mitchell and Timothy Treadwell are two sides of the same coin. Both men are really fascinating to watch; but where Treadwell chose to be obsessively destructive, Mitchell chose to be obsessively constructive (if you consider playing video games and being a BBQ sauce magnate successful, and I do).

I don't see the issue
I like the Violent Femmes, and I like chicken sandwhiches. I can't help but feel that this all relates back to Bill Hicks' opinions about artists, money and marketing.

Women Driving
Couldn't Bond's impression be mistaken since the steering wheel is on the opposite side? Or he's a dick.

Cover Trends
Am I the only one who finds the inclusion of "A Novel" following the title as a tad pretentious?

Hey Amelie
Don't you hate pants?

Yeah, take it outside, God-boy

Simpsons v. modern employment,
You can take the easy way out and take the Barney-guarding job, like we've all contemplated in our darkest hour

and don't forget
The hubble telescope was constantly finding heaven

Lisa the Iconoclast
Was a great discussion on the importance of truth and myth of America. Plus, it had two great Homer gems: "hear ye. hear ye! HEAR YE!!!!" and "I've been called a greasy thug too, and it never stops hurting"

New feelings overcoming Duffman—What..would…Jesus do!

@ danrimage1
I thought it would be all glory, you know, the glory of being a clown

Thank God it's doomsday
Was a great sendup of the ultra-conservative revelation/rapture literature movement, plus the "Left Below" movie was hilarious.