Stev D

The star of the movie…
Will be your mother, Mrs. Gordon.

I hope
It's about a killer robot driving instructor that travels back in time for some reason

Jello Biafra is his travel agent

don't you mean
completely necessary remake?

I say!
Jolly good

@Capt Caveman
You just never had a friend sell out and open a web-cafe. You don't know what it feels like—trust me, it hurts.

Batter up, hear the call
I don't know if she was faking, but she should have played that All-American Girls song from A League of Their Own. But, I don't think she has a sense of humor.

Bort license plates
Will they have any?

And I repeat nothing, will keep me from drinking 9 beers and seeing this movie!

Those clowns in congress are at it again
This is really disappointing. We are mired in a losting war, we are at or approaching peak oil, the housing market it about to crash, we don't make anything in this country anymore, our schools are underfunded Jesus-obsessed standardized test factories, Uruguay has a better

Sex Pistols
A lot of people dismiss them as a prefab punk band, but man Jones and Cook brought the rock. Listen to the opening riff on EMI and try to argue that point. You can't.

re: santos
You have to keep the talking pie! It's you heart.

The Terminizer
Hollywood should get back to doing movies about killer robot driving instructors who go back in time for some reason

never forget
That the Worm was a key player on two of most dynamic and memorable teams of the last 20 years.

The walking awkwardness of Aaron from HK actually stopped me and my girlfriend mid-fight. When he was deboning fish…my word. I am very happy that Joe C. was sent home and not him.

Lou Pearlman
Some enterprising chap should set up a Lou Pearlman/Joe Francis Legal Defense Fund website.

Theme song
Was written by Satan himself

Big Chill
I hope the do the right thing and call it "Black Big Chill"

@impromptu j
I would make more sense if the the Addams famiily listened to Type O Negative and My Bloody Valentine.

She actually enjoys being famous and makes no bones about it. I love seeing her when she is on Letterman. I know I am in the minority here, but I think she is talented, engaging, and yes; a bit insane.