
20 year old bourbon, not scotch.

What do you all think, Salome Agrippa is the one who released/fed Russell?

What do you all think, Salome Agrippa is the one who released/fed Russell?

It's like the show is eating itself.

24 hours after the show is released and there are 13 comments so far. Talk about a new low.

I may be alone on this but I think David is the leak and was the one who planted the blade earlier in the season. If we do find out that David is behind part of this then perhaps the fact that he was responsible for kicking Carrie out would allow for her to come back (perhaps under Saul's leadership?).

I have to agree with you again Captain. David is one of the few characters who we have not considered to be the mole but after last week's episode I am hedging my bets that it is him.

Check out these screenshots. It does look like he might have planted the razor blade under the table.