
Again, I don't think there's anything wrong for criticizing something for being a way even if that way is expected. What we were willing to accept as consumers of video games a decade or so is maybe something we're not willing to accept now, like a disconnect between the mechanics and the contextual justification for

OK! Thanks for the explanation.

You are saying some things the reviewer did not say, especially "ludonarrative". That's a hefty one.

If I was wrong, I feel like you would've answered with something resembling a real answer and not just clutched your pearls.

Yeah, long way around. Gotcha.

Let me ask a serious question: Is this just a long way around the idea that you think progressive viewpoints are over represented in games media?

So, how do you judge which perspective is valid for criticism, as far as you are concerned? If you owned the internet, what would be the voice reviewers use?

Is it more of a "wank" than having an extended discussion about said review?

That's nonsense. Who gets to pick which critical philosophy is "appropriate" to apply to types of arts?

Well in Tetris, there is absolutely subtext.

Because it's one to point to? I guess I'd ask "why NOT point to this one?"

I remember there was a similar post made about Bioshock Infinite's review and Teti went OFF on that person. Old days, I suppose.

I don't know that I buy into the idea that just because something is expected to be a way, doesn't mean criticism of it being that way is invalid or not useful.

Not useful in what sense? I highly doubt people read gameological reviews to decide whether or not to purchase a title that has had advertising on every bench, bus and underpass. These reviews tend to try to bring a different perspective than "10/10 must buy"

Especially considering reviewers seem to heave a collective sigh of boredom when another Call Of Duty or Assassin's Creed comes out but this game series seems to get a pass for the same lack of innovation or novelty. #ethicsin"journalism"

Didn't say there was. You seem a little defensive about this game.

Both are fair to say. I am surprised how highly reviewed this was, given what a retread it feels like.

"Wait, Heart Of Darkness wasn't about the virtues of the rubber industry?"

Is this comment sarcastic or are parts sarcastic or what is going on here.

I think this is less of a "lock up your children video games are in town" piece and more of an indictment of how incredibly shitty most triple A plots are, especially for FPSs. Which I couldn't agree with more