
I think this is less a "moral panic" piece and more of a complaint about how lazily written Far Cry seems to be. Which I totally agree with.

Yeah, it was, and made me interested to see this film.

Damn you, that was my line!

Demons and the Fade are well-established entities with generations of mages and scholars studying them. The Maker is all just theological guesswork and faith.

Boy ain't that the truth. This game has an equal amount of 10 and 0 score user reviews on metacritic. A zero? Really?



Thing is, if something is empirically supernatural, then doesn't it make it part of nature?

Dragon Age, sponsored by MAC Cosmetics

This is, honestly, one of the weirdest opinions on the series I've ever read.

Another reason I left the Qun: Rampant pedantry.

In Italian, it's just a pictograph of a guy kissing the tips of his bunched fingers.

I'm pretty sure it's a Weekend At Bernie's situation.

Yeah, it would be really bizarre to see who they try to replace her with. "Uh, your spymaster is…shit, Varric, get over here!"

I feel a little silly saying this, but, I'm kind of annoyed the game made her sexual interests unary instead of binary. Bioware knew she was gonna be the one we all go for, throw me a bone here!

Yeah, I'd agree, plus it really bugged me how they shoehorned it into the later AC games. I don't care about Ezio's special magical underwear, stop trying to make this a thing.

Yeah, the game does a good job of not holding your hand and throwing up a billion warning signs when you stumble into a higher level zone. You generally don't know it until half your party is dead and you are running for your life with your pants around your ankles.

Haha, I don't know if obsessively tweaking ear shape counts as content but fair enough!

Well there is a default world state that will be loaded no matter what, but if the timestamp conforms to the one you exported from the dragon age keep portal, then I don't know what the fiddly ding dong is going on.

The game does a really bad job of explaining this but you have to make sure the origins account is tied in to your console/PC. For consoles, you can either use the email you use for your xbl/psn account or manually link them in the settings. I imagine it's less obtuse for PC but I dunno.