
What are you, a fantasy socialist? Next thing you know, you'll be demanding a single payer system for apothecaries!


Aw, not the druffalo! To be fair, I nearly killed the one you have to escort back to the farm. The druffalo are known for their delicious milk and their awful pathfinding.

I wondered how it was faring on those old workhorses. I wonder if it looks any better on the PS3, now that the Cell architecture doesn't look like Mars runes to developers.

Considering these are basically spiritual sequels to Baldur's Gate, I understand your position. Even if you are the Devil.

Actually, you cant import no matter which version you are using. Have to go to dragonagekeep.com and set up a crappy Origins account. Not sure which is worse, Uplay or Origins but they both stink.

Sounds like the Republican Party.

"Pressing space", you say? PC Bigot!!

Other than the combat system which just seems to be an excuse for multiple jump animations, that is a fantastic game. I don't know if it's underrated so much as underexposed cause everyone I know who played it praised it.

Yeah, I just can't bring myself to do that all over again. "Oh you're a prisoner ok now you're not ok well you are again wait why is your hand glowing hey you wanna be my boss?"

I would in this one, but, I agree with almost every single review that that opening hour or so is SNOOOOOOZEVILLE

The way this game is going so far, I feel like Andraste herself is gonna be yelling in my face to believe in the Maker and I'm just gonna shake my horned head.

Gosh, I forgot about that. It's like they thought their target audience wouldn't play a game unless at least one character didn't physically resemble them.

Oh, goddamit. It is Leilana all over again! Fine, I guess I'll go see what Cassandra is up to, maybe I can buy her a weave or something…

Heh, Carth. Another proud entry in the long line of boring white male second bananas in Bioware games.

I'm going with Sera, myself(presuming this isn't another Leilana situation where I bash my head against the wall for 3 playthroughs until I realize she ain't into what I'm offering) but I think I accidentally led Cullen on. Look, buddy, you got great hair and that fur collar is fantastic but let's just keep it…

I actually really enjoyed the Taris section the first time I played it. And sort of enjoyed it the second time. And wanted to tear out my own eyeballs and use them as earrings the third time.

Her exact reply to me was "You and I? Don't be silly, my dear". Well, excuse me for thinking that someone who constantly refers to me with an affectionate diminutive might wanna get between the sheets! I bet she doesn't even know my name :(

Hey, romance buddies!

I think mine is deeply uncomfortable with all the attention he's getting, though not from the ladies if my constant, unending "flirt" choices in dialogue are any indication. That one archer who looks like the woman in Die Antwoord is gonna get wifed up.