
In this interview he says it's one of his favourite films:

I am still geeking out that the American cover of the Season 2 DVD shows Roy reading my self-published comedy mag, Mustard. It was one of the props they had in the office and I think it just got picked up and used in the photoshoot, and that photo ended up on the DVD cover. http://www.mustardweb.org/i…

I deny everything.

I was pleasantly suprised at just how good Fresh Meat was. Didn't expect to like it, but the characters totally sucked me in.

I actually think it was still enjoyable, but now in the "so bad it's good" category. Mrs Mustard and I still watched every episode, but with a lot of laughing and eye rolling. Example from episode one:

Brett's Holmes is certainly remembered very fondly over here in England. I loved him as Holmes. That said, I'm really enjoying the new Sherlock show - episodes 1 and 3 were great, though the middle one was a bit embarassing.

Bad news for Downton Abbey fans: series two is pretty terrible. Nuanced characters and carefully crafted plots have been replaced by hack cliche and overstuffed storylines where everything happens but nothing has any weight. In one episiode (not really a spoiler) a SHOCK! character is introduced, has everyone running

"I'm the Goddam Bachmann" becomes top selling t-shirt at Republican convention.

Yeah, I totally agree. The first book was great stuff, the second was a bit pulpy, and then it just nosedived. I felt really sorry for the artist, Dave Gibbons.

I saw the film of 300 on a plane and it left me with a sick feeling for weeks afterwards. Not least for being simultaneously homophobic and homo-erotic. But the general world view was so loathsome. Sometime after that I met a (Republican) guy who loved the film and said it was "the best metaphor for what's going on in

Batman/Miller 2012

@PretentiousGuy: "before he goes all narm" - ha! Lovely. This sort of thing is why I love AV Club, and have finally registered after several years of lurking.

'Preciate it.

Guess we both slightly overreacted on an internet messageboard. This is probably the first time that's ever happened…

The Director's Cut
Questions for those who've seen the Director's Cut: is it worth seeking out? Is it much longer, and what else do we get apart from the "blackout sequence" mentioned in the article?

@MxDx - I was being a bit cruel there, but couldn't resist after seeing that line. I actually really enjoy Morrison's stuff, including All Star Superman. But I do rate Moore's stuff much higher, it just connects with me more for whatever reason.

"He said something similar to what Moore has said multiple times…" Many people would say that describes Morrison's career.

@CyrusGramercyRiffs - Your description of the comic is spot on, I reckon. I do care about four of the characters, in that I'd be sad to see them killed off, but it's the ideas about how society - or small groups of people, to be more accurate - cope that make it a page turner.

The Region 2 DVD set doesn't have the commentaries, which really bugs me as a fan of the show and of good director/writer commentaries. Anyone know if you can stream the audio from anywhere? Otherwise I guess I should shell out for an imported Region 1 box set…