
Just when you thought Vince Gilligan had played every card, he chooses the bittersweet "Baby Blue" by Badfinger for Walter's death scene. Dead brilliant choice not only for the lyrics, "Guess I got what I deserved/Kept you waiting there too long my love," but because of that band's doomed aura. They were cheated and

Well said. You can never "explain" using a racist slur, even if it's in quotes or intended, as you pointed out, to piss off your antagonist.

Steve Martin deserves a mention in John Hughes' "Planes, Trains and Automobiles," when his rent-a-car is a no-show and he has to walk two miles through the snow back to the rental counter.

Any shred of empathy I had for Walter White died with Mike. He may have been a homicidal cleaner, but he had integrity and loyalty. What a waste. Which, of course, is the whole point of the episode.

Any shred of empathy I had for Walter White died with Mike. He may have been a homicidal cleaner, but he had integrity and loyalty. What a waste. Which, of course, is the whole point of the episode.

PS: Anne Hathaway kicks some serious ass. She could be an Oscar contender.

PS: Anne Hathaway kicks some serious ass. She could be an Oscar contender.

Saw an early screening. I interpreted the "kangaroo courts" mentioned by Scott Tobias as a reference to Josef Stalin's "show trials" in Russia during the 1930s. Anyone who is perceived as not "of the people" is given the choice of "Death or exile," which turn out to be pretty much the same thing. Nolan takes aim at

Saw an early screening. I interpreted the "kangaroo courts" mentioned by Scott Tobias as a reference to Josef Stalin's "show trials" in Russia during the 1930s. Anyone who is perceived as not "of the people" is given the choice of "Death or exile," which turn out to be pretty much the same thing. Nolan takes aim at

It was ridiculous how Darren Richmond somehow gets the obstruction charges against the Chief Daniels dropped. It wouldn't happen that fast and he wouldn't have the power. I'm more pissed that that sleazy woman got off.

It was ridiculous how Darren Richmond somehow gets the obstruction charges against the Chief Daniels dropped. It wouldn't happen that fast and he wouldn't have the power. I'm more pissed that that sleazy woman got off.

I wonder if Matt Weiner read the stories of John Cheever. He probably didn't have to. He lived them. 

I wonder if Matt Weiner read the stories of John Cheever. He probably didn't have to. He lived them. 

Bucky Calloway speaks the truth. "Ziggy Stardust" would not have rocked without Mick Ronson. Bowie could be a ruthless S.O.B. and stingy with songwriting credits. "Ziggy Stardust" reportedly was about Jimi Hendrix (He played it left hand) but that could have been an urban legend. 

Bucky Calloway speaks the truth. "Ziggy Stardust" would not have rocked without Mick Ronson. Bowie could be a ruthless S.O.B. and stingy with songwriting credits. "Ziggy Stardust" reportedly was about Jimi Hendrix (He played it left hand) but that could have been an urban legend. 

The novel Don was reading appeared to be "The Fixer" by Bernard Malamud.

Lori needs to be smacked in the face with a dead fish. It was her stupid "apology" to Shane that re-kindled Shane's urge to replace Rick. She does nothing but whine.

They forgot "The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne," which starred Maggie Smith as a friendless spinster and piano teacher fighting to maintain her dignity as she moves to a shabby Dublin boarding house whose tenants are mean, judgmental bullies.

Jim's book prank was a rehash of an episode in which he gives the unsuspecting Dwight a speech by Mussolini to read at the sales conference. Methinks the writers are getting lazy.

How would Tyrus miss the bomb strapped to Tio's wheelchair? After all, it's a lot bigger than most listening devices.