
No, it's been explicitly shown they don't eat dead meat. It's why Mrs. Hershel broke the chicken's legs instead of their necks when feeding the barn walkers.

I think Tara is just chunky.

Dude Aaron is banging, Mr. Flannel who sucks at being a construction foreman and lady who was left for dead by Mr. Flannel.

This is one aspect of the series that's been glossed over a lot. The thing is set in rural Georgia. If this actually happened, we'd be bored to death by constant irrational right wing religious discussions about the events.

He was screaming, being eaten alive with dramatic music. Whether or not you think they successfully executed an emotionally powerful, horrific moment or not.. that was their hack at it.

I see what they're going for, but it just doesn't work for me. Meh.

"Working trains live on a tiny island where they live in constant quivering fear that they won't prove "useful" to a pompous rich asshole whose only goal is to use them to exploit every natural resources they have."

Did Jimmy get his act together?

I mean.. I don't disagree with Chuck. As Saul showed us in BB… he was right.

This just felt like a really uneven episode to me. I can't put my finger on it. The pacing was off.

two things : 1) No, there is no Philly knockoff of Family Feud 2) The buzzer breaker is a callback to multiple jokes throughout the years about Dee's massive hands.

It's for the best. The "big chorus faux folk" movement has worn out its welcome.

This episode asserted it's dominance.

I need a clarification on Chuck.. Have they come out and said what his problem is? Some publications (such as this) are saying it's a rare electromagnetic disorder, others are saying he's mentally ill. I could really see it going either way.

one of the most overlooked subtle Philly things in this show is that Frank calls Charlie "Chah-ley". That's absolutely perfect.

What'd the Office ever do to Sunny though?

I had to unfollow Norm a long time ago because of the non-stop golf tweets. Is he done with that, or was this just a rare break in the action?

It's such a shame, this season has been going very well, but this episode was a major misstep. Too much chaos and the creampie jokes were too juvenile for this show.