
Why is this show so popular you ask? Well, honestly, it's tiresome keeping up with the clever too-cool-for-school Arrested Development/30 Rock/Community jokes that are great on paper but fly by like hipster gnats. Sometimes we just want to laugh at/with familiar characters and not think too much. Millenials, wait

Thanks for the reviews. One more frustrating problem: weak joke-writing. Say what you will about Two And A Half Men, its early years were really funny. I want this show to be better than it is.

Yes, I didn't write that very well. I am sharing the recommendation that you can find a treasure trove of sexual symbolism in the Three Cabelleros. Animators getting one over on Uncle Walt.

As I recall
My college film professor showed this and instructed us to look for all the phallic and sexual imagery. I pass on the recommendation.