
Seriously, Ms. Raisler?
You still can't pay attention?
Okay then.

For some reason I can't seem to hit reply on your reply, so I'll do it here.

So you not doing a good job is the show's fault? Ms. Raisler, that is a ridiculous excuse and incredibly unprofessional. You're saying then that you can only grasp the plot and character names when you recap a show you like? You're fine with the fact that your recaps aren't actually commenting on what's actually being

"Another African-American sidekick"……Wow.


Ms. Raisler,

Whew, glad to hear the puppies are safe! I'm also glad you're not trying to kick me…at least not right out in the open. Imaginary kicks are fully understood.

I'd like it to be "noiry" too, although I've sort of embraced the soapy aspect. I agree with you (and Ms. Raisler) that the show has the potential to be more, and I think it's heading there. I guess the difference for me is that I've really enjoyed what I've seen so far, regardless of its flaws.

Is it really a matter of being "cool" to have my own opinion? I just thought it was what grownups did, and as for being in a "rather small minority", is that something to be avoided? Your comment that I'm "biased and/or have horrible taste" is really ridiculous. "Biased"? Regarding what? You make reference to someone

Wow. I have to ask, Ms. Raisler: Did SMG beat your puppy to death or something? You just can't cut this show a break at all, nitpicking everything you see (even the important things you miss — like the employer of the guy in Paris), and grading each episode ridiculously low. You don't seem to understand that the show