Lt Col Kojak Slaphead III

Boom Crash Opera? They're two thirds there.

Danel Kitson did a great bit on "the dangerous flame of ironic racism" or what he likes to call "the white man's burden".

I expected Walt to say "See! This is why we never told you!!"

Great baby acting.  I have an 18 month old whose main word in "mama" so it teared me up a little bit.

Walt Jr asks why they never told him.  Why?  Maybe they knew you would go apeshit and call 911, kid.

Lucky Walt doesn't have anything valuable and flammable in the house. Like, y'know, a lottery ticket or anything.

Any boss who sacks anyone for not turning up today is a bum!

I absolutely agree with you on this. I worry that I'll go part way through a close finals series or after a cliffhanger but before the reveal in the next season. This is one of the problems with being an atheist - presumably if you're a Christian and you get to heaven you can just ask Jesus how Sherlock survived that

There was a webisode last year showing them heading off to what the Doctor knew would be their final date, which is presumably when he gave her his screwdriver. I was a little disappointed they didn't work that into a proper episode somehow.  But I got the impression from the last episode of the last season that the

Go back and watch "The Girl Who Waited", Rory has a wonderful rant asking the Doctor why he doesn't check a history book once in a while to see if he's going to be plunging him and his companions into mortal danger.

Actually I think it is more about the types of rights they get the license for.  They may have got the rights to broadcast the music as part of the show (known as synchronisation rights) but not to reproduce the music on physical media (known as mechanical rights).

Man, remember how valuable television was when there were no repeats? If you got home late, you just missed it. If you were lucky, it would be out on video or in repeats in a couple of years time.

And he taught Sylvester Stallone how to box.

Did anyone else think that the clapping and yelling "big money no whammies" makes all the contestants seem totally unhinged? Who was the producer that came up with the idea the trademark of this show would be ridiculously over the top gestures from each and every contestant? It is clearly overcompensating for an

I like the fact that Larson goes along with the insane clapping at the start, but once his method kicks in, he has to concentrate rather than shout "big money" like the other contestants do. I'm sure if he was just a regular contestant who was coming back the next show, they would've taken him aside afterwards and

One 70s Australian game show, Blankety Blanks, had a similar prize board with sliding doors manually operated by an unseen stage hand, who the host called "Peter the Phantom Puller". Needless to say, being the 70s, Peter the Phantom Puller was a constant source of not very subtle innuendo. "Pull it, Peter!"

I love his line from In The Loop about how being an only child doesn't reflect badly on him, after all he was the sperm that made it.

The other day I saw her in an old SNL from the mid 80s and she basically looks the same.  She may well have a time machine.

Still… where did the lighter fluid come from?

You're the only political fuck up visible from space.