rob ford esq

"Does Jimmy think that Chuck’s Faraday-cage existence is all some elaborate judgment directed at him?" - More likely, Jimmy thinks his brother's condition is psychosomatic and not real. I would agree with Jimmy here and I think the writers do as well. Electromagnetic hypersensitivity is a psychological condition not a

I feel like I've got to provide an honestly critical voice here, as the avclub staff don't seem keen on doing that for things they've already decided that they love. Please don't misunderstand me though: for the most part I liked this show and would recommend it to friends. However…

So… super mutant monster Mountain then?

Not to be completely dense or anything, but unless I see someone die, there's no confirmation. The bells tolling could just have easily meant "hark! hark! the hand's been mortally wounded!", as much as "omg! the hand is dead!". My guess is the start of season 5 starts with Tywin's funeral, but until it happens we

They'd be better off abandoning the grading format altogether, seeing as how the reviewers routinely paint themselves into a corner with A grades for okay episodes. Give a final grade to the whole season perhaps, but ranking individual chapters of a larger story seems pointless.

True, but since she's attractive she gets a pass. Lil' Olly should've known that.

Rose Leslie is gorgeous and it bummed me out when the little kid shot her with the arrow. His smug little grin made it all the worse. My guess is Jon Snow becomes leader at the wall and treats lil' Olly like crap… I guess I'll have to start watching Downton Abbey just for the Rose Leslie factor. Hopefully there's a

Zack I think you should hand over the reviews of this show to somebody who enjoys it a little more. I understand there are valid criticisms to be had (the dialogue has always been lacking, character motivations, etc), but if you're now laughing at the grimmer aspects of the show's narrative then I think you've lost