Does it sound like it in the US? To me the title reads as Nos For 'Fonzie style aaay' Too.
Does it sound like it in the US? To me the title reads as Nos For 'Fonzie style aaay' Too.
I was fully expecting Alan's Deep Bath to be mentioned.
I laughed more at the 'happy moustache face' line in the theme song than I ever did during the following 22 minutes.
I got about 45 minutes in and couldn't watch any more, I almost lapsed into a coma.
The guy singing it with them was the singer from Snow Patrol
The SFX associated with the HBO logo kick in just before the end of the credits on my version, so I assume it was a mistake made when editing the version we saw. An awesome mistake.
My Nan can't get enough of it.
I actually thought his art on Avengers last year was pretty great too, although it was saddled with some pretty poor writing. This story feels like it was written more with him in mind and while I'm not sure I'd want to see his writing come back the art is more than welcome.
I would like to compare Thor with DC's Wonder Woman in that both are stories of demi-gods playing super hero that have thus far skirted right around the edge's of their universes.
Winston's inability to hold himself back during pranking is the best character trait ever. Not only is it funny in and of itself, but it requires that the show introduces more prank-pulling plots and they're always appreciated.
It's a great album, Rival Schools would probably have been pretty big if they'd kept at it and released this when they were still catching a buzz from United by Fate. I saw them live before and after they reformed, and they seem to suit the sound of Pedals a lot more these days.
Veitch's stuff is great, follows up very nicely from Moore.
I thought that was likely an ad lib, and easily the funniest line of the night on any of my Thursday stories.
I think one of the daughters was Abed's date tonight on Community.
I honestly can't imagine me wanting to see any film less than this. Many bad films are boring, some plungeĀ all the way down to being good again but this just looks so aggressively awful and unpleasant that I can't even stomach watching until the end of the trailer.
Sadly true.
He made a fairly badass werewolf in season 3 of Being Human too. Both of these guys have really managed to erase my childhood hatred of them.
Has Cable ever had a love interest other than Deadpool?
The whole thing is just Tearin' Up My Heart.