
Living in the UK means I get it at 7am before work, so it's actually fairly manageable.

You had a glorious shot at "Fresh of the BERT" and you screwed it up.

Well don't just sit there Twiddling your thumbs…

I would have preferred if Redford pulled up his shirt and turned out to have Zola stuck in there.

SHIELD appear in the movie for all of zero seconds, so it's likely to be Thor adjacent and tie into it less than this ep ties into The Avengers. I would also suggest seeing it as soon as possible anyway, because it's a real treat.

Angel & Faith was actually decent. Also Tales of the Slayers\Vampires.

Downvoted for reminding me.

Yeah, I paused it and it's definitely her and she's definitely shopped in.

I thought the final season was wonderful, probably the best one the show ever did.

Me too! Best Swedish HIMYM clip ever

Yeah, I actually have a soft spot for that whole album.

The concept is silly, but I thought Spader seemed pretty awesome in the trailer so I'm more than willing to give him, and therefore the show, a shot.

This episode did little to dissuade me me from my "Season 3: Year of the Winston" theory.

I liked Multiple Warheads, but it was no King City. jesus that book was incredible.

This is basically how I feel. I have a but of left-over affection for the show, so I feel like I should watch the last one.

That photo is as awesome as 'Since U Been Gone'

I think the art is Flash is light years ahead of the wrting and frankly light years ahead of any DC books outside of the other titles you mentioned. I keep reading it just because I know I'll not be getting my Manapul fix elsewhere.

Since I'm utterly tone deaf, that's usually my karaoke choice.

Has Mayor Gunderson been referred to as definitely a dude yet?

Hodor! Stop Hodoring!