
I'll defend it.
While Season 7 strays a long way from what I originally loved about Buffy, especially the entirely serialised second half of it, it was well written enough to be a very enjoyable year in which the characters I loved stuck much closer to their characterisation than the gang of fuck-ups, complainers, and

I thought Traffic Light was a pretty average sitcom made worth watching by a great cast. I don't think any of the five leads was a weak link and Kris Marshall is almost always worth watching.

It's usually a safe guess that any of the actors in LotR you don't see much in US TV are Antipodean.

Chalk me up as totally unspoiled on the Rice cameo (UK internet criminal) and I thought it was excellent. She clearly can't act but the material and Baldwin saved it. Excellent pay-off to one of my favourite running jokes.

is still like this today. Those PE lessons give me Vietnam style flashacks.

I'm pretty sure that if you do 3 then we'll have a repeat of 2 on our hands. I don't think anyone knows what to do with actors are broad as these two in a lead roll.

By far the best callback in an episode full of good ones.

One of the reasons I love Thursday so much is that they do take the music seriously. It's wrought and emotional but a lot more cerebral than some of their contemporaries were and that's why I've stuck with them when Taking Back Sunday and the like sort of dropped off my radar.

An extra seventeen minutes?

Getting 20 extra minutes of sweet sweet Parks & Rec is the big news here.

THANK YOU. People seem to love Gutters but I just can't bring myself to crack a smile at it.

Having never managed to get past the first half hour of In and Out I had no idea he was actually gay. Maybe I'll finish watching it one day.