The Pope of Chilitown

He's polishing his helmet.

Barry and Iris will always seem like 2 middle school kids to me, I just can't take them seriously as an adult relationship for some reason.

He's the Megan Draper of Supergirl.

I keep watching this show, and will probably continue to do so because hey, it's Supergirl. I want to like it so much more than I really do though, it's just so damn hokey. There were so many problems with everyone's lack of suspicion of Jeremiah while also being super angry at Mon-El for having the temerity to

Now that I think about it, there ARE a lot of walk-and-talks…

Not just some guy- Michael Rappaport. Would that we could all be so lucky.

When I read the title of the episode quickly, I thought it was "Hosts and Catamites". That episode would have gone in a very different direction…

Well of course he does.

He did do one HUGE lean-back though, I think in his second scene?

But will it still represent America, like Kevin Costner has repeatedly told me?

Um, excuse me. In the first four movies Chewbacca appeared in, he was clearly over 7 ft. tall. In this new movie, he appears to be a little under 7 ft. Boy, I sure hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

Human Heater from Season 1 of Silicon Valley.

Spewed from the powerbooks of the laziest Hollywood hacks.


The two worst parts of this movie- Beatty and Madonna. Maybe it's my ongoing disdain for 70's cinema, but Beatty has just never done anything for me, he's so bland. It's also further proof that no matter how talented a singer and live performer Madonna may be, alas, she cannot act.

Not the kind of thing I can say in my non-digital life, so I will say it here- I totally have a man-crush on Alden Ehrenreich. He was a revelation in Hail, Caesar!

The perils of being on the The CW. I'm with you, I just want to see Supergirl be Supergirl.

After reading this, I had a sneaking suspicion that Charles did not live through the 70's/80's.