a strip of bacon

I hate to be the buzzkill (though I haven't read the comments so I may not be the only one), but all of these debts were out of statute, meaning he technically gave away nothing as no money was actually legally owed.

Are we all in agreement that Kumail Nanjiani is a national treasure?

I knew a college educated young woman in her early 20s who found this show funny. Like, she studied science, too. It was… weird.

Who's Jon H Ryan?

Transparent will get as many seasons as the creator wants. There is no way in hell this show will actually get "cancelled" regardless of eventual quality.

So you mean producers planned this ahead of time and then took to Twitter to perform their roles.

I really don't get what Disney's plans are with the Muppets. It's really fucking baffling.

I have a lot of feelings. None of them good. Reverse Flash is the big bad again. And the past two seasons are now erased? Or is the old Earth now a multiverse Earth?

"He's going to siphon your speed AND his."

As good as MAD MAX: FURY ROAD was, it's not a film I would ever watch on a lazy afternoon because I want to cheer myself up.

Did everyone forget that Big Head signed an NDA when he left Hooli? Gavin's going to find out he blabbed and go after him, and now that Big Head has partnered with Erlich, things are going to get messy!

I was really hoping for a Prince Show!

Anyone know if this was Kenan's last show?

How did Kyle end up with a -2? He's one of the most unique voices SNL has.

Anyone who didn't laugh a lot in the firs episode can rest assured that it does, in fact, get funnier. Episode three had me laughing out loud several times! Ugly laughs, too.

So… Luke is straight?

So… who exactly went home back in the first portal to the Enchanted Forest and who stayed in Storybrook?

I… don't know. Both episodes felt too "Deus Ex Machina" for me. There was no sense of danger because I expect a random solution for every problem to appear from nowhere.

While I don't despise it, for me it's CITIZEN KANE. It's not a bad film by any means, but it's not a very fun one. There's a lot to learn by watching it, I will admit, but beyond that, watching it once was enough for me.

I watched the first four episodes of this series and tuned out. Now I'm reading this glowing-ish review. Should I catch up, or just don't bother?