a strip of bacon

And that's why I revisit things I enjoy!

Re-listening to an album or re-watching a movie is not hard, but I have limited hours in a day. Why the hell would I decide to give a piece of art I dislike another go in the hopes I like it more when there is a whole lot of art i have never seen or would rather see?

So, I tried to listen to the album. Didn't like it. I love Two-Headed Boy, but that's it. Please do not tell me to take another listen because the last thing I want to do when I don't enjoy something is muddle through it again.

You're the exact type of music fan I try to avoid. If I don't like listening to something the first time, the suggestion to "try again" is lost on me. Why would I go through something a second time that I didn't enjoy the first?

"On the nose" seems to be the tagline for this season.

It's also on Spotify. There are 15 tracks, the longest being 1:38. The comedy album is 14-15 minutes in length.

Wait… so… she was 8-9 when the album came out? I know it's rude to ask a woman's age, but…

Well, apparently she was 8-9 when the album came out. She was just entering high-school when the play came out (2009).

I feel bad for whoever is asked to take part in Hatesong because this is a terrible, terrible feature that always ends up with the interviewee being mocked in the comments in some way.

Honestly, what she did was cool. The note on her website was fine. As a performer, it's not her job to cancel or politicize her performance. It's nice that she did what she did, but she didn't have to do it.

Wilmore's delivery was awful. He had very strong material that was undercut by his performance.

… but is this really news?

If you need a relatable commentariat character, nothing is more relatable than bacon!

"increasingly down-to-earth slate… 11-year-old Lincoln Loud and his 10 school-age sisters."

A lesser known song from The Who.

Samantha > Trevor > Larry.

The reason so many people think Wilmore bombed is because after every joke the room reacted poorly to, Wilmore would make comments akin to Jeb Bush's "Please clap!" moment. His delivery made it seem like his jokes were "worse" than they were.

Unless you're Star Wars: Rebels. Then you get a normal season schedule.

Ugh, all these jokes from people only reading the headline. If you read the article you'll see it's talking about homosexual sex. Oh, I guess the headline was all you needed.

Spot on!