a strip of bacon

Yeah, he was my least favorite character and now I know why: The role wasn't his.

See, that type of humor is only funny if you're in a room full of people who aren't in on the joke. The only character I can stand of Tim and Eric's is Steve Brule.

Well, your article made me watch the video. It didn't stop me from turning it off before the first minute had passed, though.

I had to give up about halfway through. I hate how comics try to tackle the "big issues" as if they know the answer and can be thoughtful about it while making funny jokes. Usually it comes off as either offensive or dumb. In the case of this special, it luckily just came off as dumb. In my conservative town, I know

Or do what Kanye did. Keep it on TIDAL just long enough for the free monthly trials to renew and then move it to every other platform!

Three down-votes? The Beygency has arrived!

I think it's hilarious people are wondering what's going on between Beyoncé and Jay-Z when we all know it must be going pretty well, as her album is only on TIDAL.

So Beyoncé's legion of feminist fans are attacking another woman for cheating when the MARRIED MAN is the real problem?!?

Is it? I wouldn't put John Oliver in the Newswire every week his show is new!

I'm in total agreement. Have you seen the amount of adults getting bothered by the PPG reboot? It's interesting, to say the least…

I don't forget about the show, but I do get fed up by everyone talking about it online when it's gone for 4 months and people are still talking as if the show is brilliant. And when I watch the bombs, I realize it's a really well done show, but… the hiatuses leave a bad taste in my mouth for the show every time they

Just read that on IMDB. Still, not the headline image I would have chosen.

What the fuck does Steven Universe have to do with this?

The Crazy Ex-Girlfriend extended universe is awesome!

There are people on the internet that feel spoiled knowing Wolverine is in the film. People think that is a spoiler!

But what does this article have to do with Prince?

So…. that last five minutes actually happened? And they thought that was smart? And Zoom left Barry alive? Uh, okay…

They already used him up, though…

Because there shouldn't be an endgame couple, yet it feels like the show's going to give us one.

Aww man, that implication totally went over my head. :-/