a strip of bacon

Are we sure he parked in the pink zone?

She's going to stop… until she learns about the kiss.

I guess that would have worked for me if Greg and Rebecca seemed like a good relationship to begin with? I like the actors and their chemistry, but no scene in this show has made me think they belong with one another.

Again, I hope, but why show Greg saying he loves Rebecca? Not everyone watching this show is the AV Club commentariat. That one scene just gives "shippers" that much more fodder. This is still a CW show.

Totally. I just hope they don't take as long next season to make Rebecca ween herself off of Josh.

I'm 100% on team neither. Greg is an alcoholic. Well, as close to alcoholism as can still be considered funny in a CW comedy. He needs to get himself into AA.

I don't know. After that finale, I'm not convinced that she'll choose neither, even though it's painfully obvious both are terrible for her.

I think that her own happiness SHOULD be the end-game, but the last 2 minutes of the episode weren't hinting at that.

Not sure I'm 100% on board the back-in-crazy-ex mode ending, but… I guess it's now clear that Rebecca and Greg are endgame?

Nah, Dan, I think I'll pass on this one…

If we're going for that metaphor, this show is a Picasso.

"A-. Might as well just leave this grade up here for the duration. Damn, this show."

Wait, what? I thought you were calling them shitty by using the words "noisy, angular" and were being funny. My apologies!

As much as I agree that some of the songs are troublesome to say the least, to place them low on a chart for that reason and that reason only is stupid.

"Baby Mine" is in the top 20? Seriously?

Only because you make it sound excruciatingly unappealing!

Who the fuck are Parquet Courts?

That wouldn't have made it on network TV either. Well, not as a comedy.

This is why I get mad when people say they want quality television, but that they want it for free or for as cheaply as possible. That's really not financially viable in the long run!

I think the real reason it didn't work was because it was going to be a show on network television in which a woman gets divorced and then starts dating again. This is only okay if the couple is divorced before the show begins or if the ex-husband and wife are BFF!